Demo call for any weird formats or older (roughly pre august 2018) HL demos
I am looking to retrospectively cast and analyze older competitive team fortress two pugs/scrims/matches. Any and all demos and or request for casts are fine, though I’d prefer for it to be games that haven’t been covered already for more recent ones.
Sorta thinking about it, there really isn’t any stv archival of any competitive games before s25 of ugc hl/later in 2018. pov demos are kinda fucky as they get older but there’s usually some form of workaround. it’s sad to see so much get lost to time and or expired twitch vods. It’d be nice to sorta take steps to archive all of those experiences and how the game has grown.
I’m specifically looking to sorta focus on individual players and teams across seasons, strategy and metas throughout time, and regional differences.
but yeah pretty much if you have anything to share stv/pov wise; go ahead and shoot me a discord message at Bliztank#1499. i think 6s is a lot more covered than other formats, but i’m fine with any formats, division, and region besides that; or any really interesting things like 6s lans.
I found some old stuff, not much, that I may be uploading to YouTube. If you actually want to attempt to fix/cast this, I also included a download link to the STV in the description. -
Niko Jims
That’ll be great, thanks! I do have access to some older builds of the game, so I’m optimistic about it. I’ll probably get to work on some of the older content I have in a few weeks or months, kinda recovering motivation after a pet death.